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Automated Smart Strip Saw

Automated Smart Strip Saw

Utilizing the Smart Rib Saw technology Midwest Machine has developed the Automated Smart Strip Saw. Using a system of 3D scanners and a proprietary algorithm, developed by Midwest Machine automation experts specifically for this application, this saw automatically removes the Chine bone (or spine) from the striploin cut of beef. Using an advanced system of scanners, this saw automatically removes the Chine bone from the striploin primal cut of beef. Our unique patented design allows the band saw to provide the most optimal cut for maximum yield.

Since the operator only has to load the conveyor, they are safely located far away from the blades. Recommended rate is 7 pieces per minute per machine (based on operator ergonomics), fully loaded capacity is 14 pieces per minute. Automate your processes and increase yields with the Midwest Machine Patented Smart Strip Saw!

Automated Smart Strip Saw Features:

· All Stainless Steel Construction
· Designed for thorough washdown
· Touch screen controls
· Fully automated operation
· 7-14 pc/min capacity
· Proprietary rib cradle conveyor system
· Built-in redundancy
· Built-in features make washdown and maintenance easy
· Patented

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